Wednesday, 3 July 2013

Oracle Application Administration Question and Answer

As salmao alaikum wa rahmatullah,

What is load balancing?
ans)Load balancing is a server process that monitors loading on all of the forms servers. Each of the forms servers runs a load balancing client which keeps the load balancing server apprised of its load.

How can you find how many forms users are connected to the application system from the operating system level?
ans) You can do the same by querying the f60webmx process and counting the same. You can use the following command to check this.
pe-ef|grep f60webmx|wc -l

What is reports server?
ans)Reports server is also a component of the middle tier and is hosted in the same node of the concurrent processing server. Reports server is used to produce business intelligence reports. Reports server is started by executable rwmts60 which is located at $ORACLE_HOME/bin 

How can you check from the operating system whether the reports server is up and running?
ans)Reports server can be checked from operating system by querying for the process rwmts60. you can check the same using the following command 
ps -ef|grep rwmts60

How can you compile a report manually?
ans) You can do the same uisng the adrepgen utility as shown below. 
adrepgen apps/<appspasswd> source=$PRODUCT_TOP/srw/filename.rdf dest=$PRODUCT_TOP/srw/filename.rdf stype=rdffile dtype=rdffile  logfile=<path_of_log> overwrite=yes batch=yes dunit=character

What is discoverer and why it is used?
ans)Discoverer is an intuitive adhoc query, reporting, analysis and Web-publishing tool that empowers business users at all levels of the organization to gain immediate access to information from data marts, data warehouses, online transaction processing system and oracle e-Business suite. The discoverer server comprises Oracle Discoverer 4i, a key component of the Oracle 9i Application Server(9iAS). Discoverer 
4i is tightly integrated with Oracle Applications which allow users to employ Discoverer to analyze data from selected business areas in human resources, purchasing, process manufacturing, financial and other products. The Discoverer server complements the reports server by allowing performance of adhoc queries and analysis of the resulting query output. It also allows users to perform projections based on possible changes to the business environment or other strategic factors.

How can you start discoverer server?
ans)Diescoverer start script is available in the $OAD_TOP/admin/scripts/$CONTEXT_NAME location.Alternatively, you can also use the script located at $ORACLE_HOME/discwb4/util directory.

What is the product directory in the APPL_TOP and what is the importance of the same?
ans) For each product there is a separate directory in the APPL_TOP. There are more than two hudnred products in the 11.5.10 release. The product directories are names with product's standard abbreviation 
like bis for Business Intelligence System ec for e-commerce.The product files are stored in the product directories.
<Prod_TOP> refers to <APPL_TOP>/prod/Version.
for example - $FND_TOP=$APPL_TOP/fnd/11.5.0
under each product top there are a large number of dirctories. If we go to FND_TOP directory we will see the following directories.
(appmgr01)emstestappl - bash $cd $FND_TOP
(appmgr01)11.5.0 -bash $pwd
(appmgr01)11.5.0 -bash $ls
3rd party fndenv.env html lib media patch secure xml admin froms include log mesg reports sql drivr bin help java mds out resource usrxit
(appmgr01)11.5.0 -bash $

What are the important configuration files available in APPLTOP?
ans)Following are the important configuration files available in the 

What is the significance of the appsweb.cfg file and where is it located?
ans)This file defines the parameter values used by forms Web CGI. This is the main configuration file used by the forms. This file contains the following details:

-> Forms Server Name, ServerPort, Domain Name
-> Database Connection Parameters
-> JInitiator Version
The file is located at $OA_HTML/bin 

What is the significance of the DBC file and where is it located?
ans) The DBC stands for database connection.This is the file which is responsible for establishing a connection between the database and the APPL_TOP. The DBC file stores all the information for successfull connection to the database. The DBC file contains the value of GWYUID, FNDNAM and TWO_TASK & GUEST_USER_PWD.GWYUID stands for Gateway User ID and should have APPLSYSPUB/PUB as User ID/Password.The default User Id/Password for Oracle Application is guest/guest, guest/oracle, oracle/guest. This User ID/Password should match with the record available in the fnd_profile_option table.The location of this file is $FND_TOP/secure.

What is the significance of GWYUID?
ans)It is used to connect to database by thick clients.

what is the difference between GWYUID and GUEST_USER_PWD?
ans)GWYUID is used by thick clients to connect to the database. For example, Forms uses the GWYUID to get connected. Whenever a new forms connection is established, it uses APPLSYSPUB/PUB to authenticate the session,where as GUEST_USER_PWD (Guest/Oracle) is used by JDBC thin client.

If you go to the FND_TOP/secure directory, yo can see lots of DBC files located there. How do you find which one is used by the application system?
ans) To find out which DBC file is used by the application system you  can query for the porfile Application Database ID. if the profile name is SID then SID.dbc is used by the application.

What is the significance of the admin directory in the APPL_TOP?
ans) The $APPL_TOP/admin directory contains the scripts and the file which are used by the AD Utilities. The directory and running of ad utilities.
 Following are the important files in the $APPL_TOP/admin  directory.
-> <sid>.xml - This is the context file which is used by the Oracle Applications.
-> adpvars.env - This is an important configuration file about which we have already discussed.
-> <sid>/log - This directory contains all the logfiles which are generating during patching or by the running of Ad utilities
-> <sid>/out - This directory contains all the output files
-> Text files - This directory contains a large number of text files, which contains various information about the application system and are referred during autopatch

How can you change the password of the application users?
ans)The password of the application users as well as the password of all the schemas includding apps can be changed using the FNDCPASS utility. For running the FNDCPASS, you need to have the system and the 
apps password. FNDCPASS is run in the following manner:
FNDCPASS apps/apps 0 Y system/manager SYSTEM APPLSYS WELCOME
FNDCPASS apps/apps 0 Y system/manager ORACLE GL GL1
FNDCPASS apps/apps 0 Y system/manager USER VISION WELCOME

What is '0' and 'Y' in flag in FND executables like FNDCPASS,FNDLOAD?
ans)'0' means the request id.Since the request is not submitted via the Concurrent Request submission forms, request id zeor is assigned to it. 'Y' indicates the method of invocation.It's invoked directly from the operating system and not through the concurrent request.

What are the tables which store the information about the various application users and their passwords?
ans)Two tables - FND_USERS and FND_ORACLE_USERID store the information about the application users and their passwords.

How can you delete an application user?
ans)You can't delete an application user but you can put the end date the application user making the user inactive.

In case of a multi-node installation, how can you check which service is being run from which node?
ans) There are two ways to find the same information.You can open the CONTEXT_FILE in the APPL_TOP/admin and check the information.
You can check for the FND_NODES table and check the columns, SUPPORT_CP (for Concurrent Manager) SUPPORT_FORMS(for Forms server), SUPPORT_WEB (Web Server), SUPPORT_ADMIN (Admin Server), and SUPPORT_DB for database tier.

What is OATM and what is significance?
ans)OATM refers to the Oracle Applications tablespace model. In the previous releases of Oracle Applications, there were two tablespaces for each product. One was for data and the other was for the index and there use to be a lot of overhead in managing all the tablespaces. The new tablespace model replaces the old tablespace model by 12 tablespaces making it lt easier to manage the tablespaces.

Is apps password stored in any flat file outside database?
ans)Yes the apps password file is stored in the file called located at $IAS_ORACLE_HOME/Apache/modplsql/cfg.

Where are all the middle tier start/stop scripts located?
ans)The scripts for managing the middle tiers are located in COMMON_TOP/admin/scripts/<SID> directory.For running these scripts, login to the application tier as the owner of the application file system and source the environment using the environment <SID>.env located in the $APPL_TOP. All the scripts create a log file which shows the status of the server. The log file is written in the directory $COMMON_TOP/admin/log/<SID>. Each component of the middle tier has a separate log file.

What is the script for the start/stop of Apache?
ans)The Apache server can be started with the script The parameters that accepts is start,stop and status. {start|stop|status}
The Apache startup script is customized for the Oracle Applications in such a way that it takes of starting the Jserv,modplsql and the TCF socket server automatically once the apache is started.The log file which is created by the script is adapcctl.txt and it is located at the location of the log file.

What is the Script for starting/stopping the forms server?
ans)The forms server can be controlled with script which is located at the common locations of all the scripts viz 
$COMMON_TOP/admin/scripts/<SID>. The froms server can be started/stopped in the following way. {Stop|Start|Status}
The log file which is created by the script is f60svrm.txt available at the common location of the log files.
Alternatively, the forms server can also be started manually without using the script with the f60ctl executable which is located at $ORACLE_HOME/bin. This is 8.0.6 Oracle Home and should not be confused with the Oracle Home of the database server.
The forms server can be started manually in the following way. 
f60ctl start port=<port name> mode=socket exe=f60webmx  logfile=/location of logfile.

How you can start the reports server?
ans) Reports server can be controlled with the script It uses the executable FNDSVGRG which is located at $FND_TOP/bin. The defualt name of the reports server log file is rep60_<SID>.txt and is located at same place along with the log files of other components of  the middle tier.Reports server can be controlled by {start|stop|status}

How you can start/stop all the middle tier components at one go?
ans)For starting and stopping all the midlle tiers, Oracle provides two different scripts which take care of the starting and stopping all the middle tiers at one go.For starting all the middle tiers, the script is It takes the apps user id and apps password as parameters. <appsusername>/<appspassword>
Similarly, for stopping all the middle tiers at one go, the script is This aslo takes the apps user id and apps password as parameters. <appsusername>/<appspassword>
Both the scripts create a log file in which it contains detailed information. The logfile name is in the following format <Month><Date><Hour><Minutes>.log It gives a formatted report in the log file with the details of which components are started, which are already running, which are disabled and which are not running.

Thanking you
Mohammad Shahnawaz
Oracle's Passion

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