Tuesday, 12 November 2019

10 Basic Machine Learning Interview Questions

As salamo aalaikum wa rahmatullah

  1. Explain the difference between supervised and unsupervised machine learning?
    In supervised machine learning algorithms, we have to provide labelled data, for example, prediction of stock market prices, whereas in unsupervised we need not have labelled data, for example, classification of emails into spam and non-spam.
  2. Explain the difference between KNN and k.means clustering?
    K-Nearest Neighbours is a supervised machine learning algorithm where we need to provide the labelled data to the model it then classifies the points based on the distance of the point from the nearest points.
    Whereas, on the other hand, K-Means clustering is an unsupervised machine learning algorithm thus we need to provide the model with unlabelled data and this algorithm classifies points into clusters based on the mean of the distances between different points
  3. What is the difference between classification and regression?
    Classification is used to produce discrete results, classification is used to classify data into some specific categories .for example classifying e-mails into spam and non-spam categories.
    Whereas, We use regression analysis when we are dealing with continuous data, for example predicting stock prices at a certain point of time.
  4. How to ensure that your model is not overfitting?
    Keep the design of the model simple. Try to reduce the noise in the model by considering fewer variables and parameters.
    Cross-validation techniques such as K-folds cross validation help us keep overfitting under control.
    Regularization techniques such as LASSO help in avoiding overfitting by penalizing certain parameters if they are likely to cause overfitting.
  5. What is meant by ‘Training set’ and ‘Test Set’?
    We split the given data set into two different sections namely,’Training set’ and ‘Test Set’.
    ‘Training set’ is the portion of the dataset used to train the model.
    ‘Testing set’ is the portion of the dataset used to test the trained model.
  6. List the main advantage of Navie Bayes?
    A Naive Bayes classifier converges very quickly as compared to other models like logistic regression. As a result, we need less training data in case of naive Bayes classifier .
  7. Explain Ensemble learning.
    In ensemble learning, many base models like classifiers and regressors are generated and combined together so that they give better results. It is used when we build component classifiers that are accurate and independent. There are sequential as well as parallel ensemble methods.
  8. Explain dimension reduction in machine learning.
    Dimension Reduction is the process of reducing the size of the feature matrix. We try to reduce the number of columns so that we get a better feature set either by combining columns or by removing extra variables.
  9. What should you do when your model is suffering from low bias and high variance?
    When the model’s predicted value is very close to the actual value the condition is known as low bias. In this condition, we can use bagging algorithms like random forest regressor.
  10. Explain differences between random forest and gradient boosting algorithm.
    Random forest uses bagging techniques whereas GBM uses boosting techniques.
    Random forests mainly try to reduce variance and GBM reduces both bias and variance of a mode.

#kazacademy #kazonline

Thursday, 14 February 2019

E-Business Suite - Oracle Apps R12 - Multi Org Concepts

As salamo alaikum wa rahmatullah

Since Oracle EBS or E-Business Suite is a complete automated application and caters the need of variety of industries. It has an architecture called MultiOrg or “Multiple Organization”.

Whenever we talk about an organization irrespective of its multiple structure, we will find certain common things or feature or let me call it departments. It is not necessary that every organization has every department. But some departments and/or processes are more or less the same.

What is an Organization? In EBS it is a vague term, infact, varied term. In Oracle EBS an organization can be a Legal Entity, or an Inventory, or a department. Anything can be treated as organization in Oracle. When we go through the Oracle EBS documentation we will find the excessive use word Organization. But it not the organization we refer it to here in daily routine.

In our daily routine if we say the word “organization”, we will certainly be referring to some company, for example, Inbox Business Technologies, IBM, Acer, HP, these are the example of organization selling hardware. But in Oracle Multi Org structure they are referred to as Legal Entities.

The Multi Org structure in Oracle consists of following organizations

  • Business Group or HR Business Group
  • Ledger
  • Legal Entity or GRE
  • Operating Unit
  • Inventory Organization


A business group is the top level in multi org structure. Oracle view human resource as the basis for the business. A human resource is selling the products that organization is manufacturing, a human resource is purchasing raw materials required to make a product, a human resource is making accounting and financials statement. In short a legal entity transacts because of Human Resources.

In Oracle EBS, Business Group holds the employee information. If there is a Group of Companies and they all are using a single instance of Oracle Apps then every employee in each company will be defined at BG level. Each employee will then be assigned a responsibility. That responsibility determines which company that employee belongs to and what type of transaction can be carried out. When a fresh EBS instance is installed it has a Default Business Group namely Setup Business Group. We usually rename it as per our requirement.

A BG can have multiple ledger attached to it and there can be Multiple Business Groups in one instance.

Oracle HR resides at this level of MultiOrg structure.


Formerly called Set of Book in R11i. Ledger is an accounting book.

Take an example of a utility shop with an old man sitting with a big register. In that register he notes every transaction related to money or finances. Let’s say he sells some bottles of mineral water to a person. He notes the Date on the transaction took place, the Amount involved in that transaction, Person’s name, particulars of goods sold to that person.

This is similar to what we do in a ledger. There are 4C’s concepts in Ledger.

  • Chart of Account (Particulars of Goods)
  • Currency (Amount)
  • Calendar (Date)
  • Subledger Accounting Convention (Cash / Accrual)

Oracle General Ledger resides at this level.


Legal Entity definition by book is any company which is reporting to Government, an entity which exists. In Oracle EBS a company is also referred to as GRE – Government Reporting Entity. A legal entity has a disclosure requirement of their annual revenue. An organization which prepares its Balance Sheet and Income Statement.

Oracle says anything can be your legal entity. Your manufacturing plant can be your legal entity, your departments can be your legal entity. Your inventory can be your legal entity. A legal entity is the one for which you want a Balance Sheet and Income statement. How can a balance sheet be generated for a department is another topic…


Operating Unit (OU) comes under a ledger with a legal context. “Legal Context” is referred to as the Legal entity to which it is attached. The purpose of an operating unit is to segregate or separate subledger transactions. A legal entity having different branches in Pakistan can treat each branch an operating unit.

Oracle Payables, Purchasing, Receivables, Order Management resides at this level of MultiOrg.

In general an operating unit is the one dealing with paper work. How?

Take an example of P2P (Procure to Pay) cycle. It involves Purchasing and Payables. From Purchasing you generated an RFQ (Request for Quotation) and send it to vendor, against the RFQ you receive a Quotation. Against that quotation you send the PO (Purchase Order), Against that PO you receive Goods and GRN (Goods Received Note), against that GRN you receive payables Invoice, against that invoice you make Payment. Each of these documents are from Oracle Purchasing and Payables.

Similarly there is a O2C (Order to Cash) cycle.


Inventory Organization is last or the lowest level of MultiOrg structure. Inventory organization refers to any kind storage of item, finished goods and raw materials, etc. This storage can be Warehouse, Floors, Cabinets, Drawers, or a logical store which don’t exists physically.

Inventory in general refers to storage and movement of goods from one Inventory organization to another. Inventory has two types of inventory: Master Item Inventory Org, Inventory Organization and Sub-Inventory Org.

Master item inventory stores the every information of item or the definition of item. It does not store the information of location that item is placed or the quantity of item available. Inventory Organization is same as the Master but it has the costing definition, locator information, and types of item it can store. Each Inventory organization should have at least one Sub Inventory Organization. There can be multiple sub inventories under one Inventory Organization. Costing method can also be defined at sub inventory level.

Oracle Inventory, Manufacturing, Warehouse Management, Enterprise Asset Management resides at this level.

Ma Asalaam
Passion 4 Oracle

Oracle Apps R12 - User Management

As salamo alaikum wa rahmatullah

As most of you know, the sysadmin user has the responsibility “user management”. Very useful if you want to have assign roles to a user.
e.g. You’ll need it when setting up an administrator for learning management or Supplier Management Administrator or  AME Business Analyst (you need roles as well as responsibilities).
If you just assign the responsibility ‘User Management’ you’ll see nothing. Why? You need to assign the proper role as well.
Here are the steps to get it done.
Log into the applications as SYSADMIN User.
Choose User Management responsibility.
Navigate to Users web page.
Search and find the user you want to inherit the Security Administrator Role.
Click on Update Icon.
Click on Assign Roles button.
Find and choose ‘Security Administrator’ Role.

When you login with that user, you’ll have full access.

Ma Asalaam
Passion 4 Oracle

Security Rule in Oracle Apps R12

As salamo alaikum wa rahmatullah





Ma Asalaam
Passion 4 Oracle

Oracle HRMS R11i Report

As salamo alaikum wa rahmatullah

S.No Module Name Standard Report 
1 Human Reasources ADA Report 
2 Absences Report 
3 Assignment status Report 
4 Change person number to Automatic 
5 Change automatic person number generation to global sequencing 
6 Conclude placement report 
7 Current and Projected Progression Point values Report 
8 Duplicate Person Report 
9 EEO Consolidated Report 
10 EEO Employment Establishment Listing 
11 Employee Benefit Eligibility Listing 
12 Employee Benefit Enrolment Register 
13 Employee Details Report 
14 Employee Increment results 
15 Employee Increment Results(New) 
16 Employee Missing details Report 
17 Full Applicant Details Report 
18 Full Assignment details report 
19 Full Person details 1 
20 Full Work Details report 
21 Generate Secure User 
22 Generic Report 
23 Head Count Details Report 
24 Invalid Address Report 
25 Leave Details Report 
26 Leave Liability Report 
27 Multiple QuickPaint Report 
28 New Hire State Report 
29 Organization Hirarchy Report 
30 Person Synchronization Report 
31 Position Hirarchy report 
32 Promotion Details Report 
33 Requisition Summary Report 
34 Salary Review Report 
35 Social Health Insurance Report 
36 Staffing Budget Details report 
37 Termination Report 
38 Work Fource Count Report 
39 Worker Organization movements Report 
40 Worker summary Report 
41 HRI load all Generc Hirarchy versions 
42 HRI Load all Organization Hirarchies versions 
43 HRI Load all supervisor hirarchies 
44 HRI Load separation reason tables 
45 HRI Load work force measurement value hirarchy 
Ma Asalaam
Passion 4 Oracle

Oracle HRMS Standard Report

As salamo alaikum wa rahmatullah

Reports Name

Absences Report
Conc. Prog.
Compensation, Benefits and Payroll
Assignment Status Report
Conc. Prog.
Workforce Sourcing and Deployment
Duplicate Person Report
Conc. Prog.
Workforce Sourcing and Deployment
Employee Increments Result
Conc. Prog
Workforce Sourcing and Deployment
Employee Summary Report
Conc. Prog.
Workforce Sourcing and Deployment
Entity Element Summary Report
Conc. Prog.
Enterprise and Workforce Management
Full Applicant Details Report
Conc. Prog.
Workforce Sourcing and Deployment
Full Assignment Details Report
Conc. Prog.
Workforce Sourcing and Deployment
Full Person Details Report
Conc. Prog.
Workforce Sourcing and Deployment
Full Work Details Report
Conc. Prog.
Workforce Sourcing and Deployment
Head Count Detail Report
Conc. Prog.
Workforce Sourcing and Deployment
Head Count Summary Report (Spread Sheet Version)
Conc. Prog.
Workforce Sourcing and Deployment
Organization Hierarchy Report
Conc. Prog.
Enterprise and Workforce Management
Person Full History Report
Conc. Prog.
Workforce Sourcing and Deployment
Position Hierarchy Report
Conc. Prog.
Enterprise and Workforce Management
Requisition Summary Report
Conc. Prog.
Workforce Sourcing and Deployment
Terminations Report
Conc. Prog.
Workforce Sourcing and Deployment
Workforce Count Report
Conc. Prog.
Workforce Sourcing and Deployment
Workforce Count Report (Spread Sheet Version)
Conc. Prog.
Workforce Sourcing and Deployment
Worker Summary Report
Conc. Prog
Workforce Sourcing and Deployment
Assignments Unavailable for Processing
Conc. Prog.
Payroll Process Management
Cost Breakdown Report for Costing Run
Payroll Process Management
Element Result Listing
Payroll Process Management
Employee Assignments Not Processed (Global)
Conc. Prog.
Payroll Process Management
Employee Assignments Without Payrolls
Conc. Prog.
Payroll Process Management
Deduction Report
Conc. Prog
Payroll Process Management
Employee Payroll Movements Report
Conc. Prog.
Payroll Process Management
List Payroll Actions and Results By Person
Conc. Prog.
Payroll Process Management
Location Change Report
Conc. Prog.
Payroll Process Management

Ma Asalaam
Passion 4 Oracle

#kazacademy #kazonline

Oracle Apps R12 Standard Report

As salamo alaikum wa rahmatullah.

Reports Available from the Oracle Payroll Area

The following table describes key reports available from the payroll area in Oracle:
RF Custom and Oracle Reports
Description of Report
Responsibility with Access to Run the Report
Displays the name, assignment number, organization, amount and up to three input values of a particular element that has processed in payroll. Operating locations can run the report at any time after a payroll has been run. It can be run for previous payrolls as well. Data will be reflective of reversals if run for previous payrolls.
HRMS Administrator
HRMS Inquiry
HR/PR Specialist
HR PR Inquiry
Displays the amount of each element processed for a person in a particular pay period. Operating locations can run the report at any time after a payroll has been run. It can be run for previous payrolls as well.
HRMS Administrator
HR/PR Specialist
The "RF Person Payroll Activity Report" displays the employee’s name, assignment number, organization, tax filing status, tax exemptions, gross and net earnings and all deductions for the specified pay period. It also lists the year to date totals for earnings and deductions.
HRMS Administrator

HR/PR Specialist
Displays quick pays that have been run but not paid in date order. Operating locations should run this report before every preliminary and final payroll. There should be no quick pays on this report right before a payroll.
HRMS Administrator

HR/PR Specialist
Displays noncitizen residency information, noncitizen tax Special Information Type (SIT) information and tax data for each employee and fellow who is not a U.S. citizen. Operating locations should run this report once a month to ensure noncitizen information is up-to-date. SIT information is used to produce IRS 1042-S forms at the end of the year.
HRMS Administrator

HR/PR Specialist

RF Detail Control Register Full Reportdisplays all changes entered for the current pay period and changes entered during the current pay period for future pay periods for certain fields in the following forms: Person Form, Assignment Form, Salary Form, and Element Entries Form.
RF Detail Control Register Range of Dates displays all changes entered during the dates selected for certain fields in the following forms: Person Form, Assignment Form, Salary Form, and Element Entries Form.

Note: Operating locations can run either report at any time during the payroll cycle
HRMS Administrator
HR/PR Inquiry
HR/PR Specialist
The "RF Auto Termination Report" is a payroll report that displays the auto termination data for each campus. This monitoring report is divided into three different sections of output: Assignments Active to Terminated, Assignments Process Pending to Terminated, and Assignments With Future Terminations Unchanged. Operating locations should run this report after each payroll to verify that the termination dates are accurate and as expected.
HRMS Administrator
HR/PR Specialist
HR/PR Inquiry
HRMS Inquiry

Payroll Reports Run by Central Office

The following reports are run by central office and posted to the RF web site. Operating locations can retrieve the report from the Web site.
Corporate Payroll Reports Run by Central Office
Payroll Message Report
Displays the errors for each person for a payroll run. Those with fatal errors did not process through on the payroll. Central office runs this report for every preliminary and final payroll. For the preliminary payroll, the report can be used to correct errors before the final payroll is run. For the final run, the report serves as documentation and explanation as to why a person was not paid.
Retro Biweekly
This report is run nightly for any system generated biweekly retro errors that have occurred for that day. The report will display the assignment number and reason for the error.
Retro SUNY
This report is run every Tuesday night for any system generated SUNY retro errors that have occurred for that week. This report will display the assignment number and the reason for the error.
RF Payroll Check Distribution Report
Displays people receiving a check or direct deposit for a particular payroll, in delivery drop order. Central office runs this report every payroll and sends it via Federal Express to operating locations, along with their payroll checks and Direct Deposit Stubs.

Ma Asalaam
Passion 4 Oracle